Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis
6. The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Burnout in Healthcare Professionals: Meta-AnalysisThe Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care (TJFMPC) is published online 4 times a year; March, June, September and December. The peer-reviewed journal's chief objective is to provide high-quality continuing medical education for family physicians and other primary care professionals.
English or Turkish manuscripts from authors with new knowledge to contribute to understanding and improving health and primary care are welcome. We consider contributions in a number of categories. Detailed guidance is given below for original articles. Most of these rules (for instance, length of title, and style of references) apply to all types of contribution and further guidance is given under each heading.
Author Guidelines
2 3 The preleminary condition for submitting a manuscript is that it should not have been 4 published elsewhere or it is currently not being assessed by another journal. 5 A letter of application declaring that the submitted article has not been published elsewhere 6 or currently is not being assessed by another journal and that there occurs no conflict of 7 interest , should be sent via e-mail along with the text being submitted. 8 9 Ethical issues: In cases where approval of the ethical board is needed, a document showing 10 the approval of the board should also be sent by e –mail. When researching on human or 11 animal subjects, compliance with international and national ethical guidelines, and approval 12 of ethical boards are essential. That the research complies with the above mentioned ethical 13 requirements is under the responsibility of the author. 14 15 Reseach on human subjects: The journal accepts the compatibility principle, for research 16 articles involving human components, to the conditions articulated in “Helsinki 17 Declaration”, “Guidelines For Good Clinical Practices”, “Guidelines For Good Laboratory 18 Practices”, and to the Regulations of the Turkish Ministry of Health. When research is 19 conducted on human subjects, a letter of permission from the Ethical Board For Clinical 20 Research must be obtained and submitted to the journal. The author must also mention in 21 “Methods and tools” section of the article that a letter of approval from the Ethical Board 22 and “informed consent” signed by subjects participating the research have been obtained . 23 The article shall not be published unless a copy of the approval from the ethical board is 24 submitted to the journal. 25 In case reports, " informed consent " from the patient or in case of need, from his/her legal 26 representative, must be taken disregarding the disclosure of patient's identity, and this 27 should be noted in the article under the title of “case report”. The document showing the 28 informed consent of the patient or his/her legal representative must be sent to the journal . 29 In case of research on animals, it is mandatory that the approval from the Ethical Board 30 For Laboratory Animals be obtained and a copy of the document be sent to the journal. It 31 should be mentioned in the tools and method section of the article that all the animals were 32 treated in humane way in compliance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory 33 Animals, ( and that also the approval report from the 34 Ethical Board For Laboratory Animals has been obtained. Precautions and measures that have 35 been taken to avoid any kind of pain and discomfort during experiments should be clearly 36 explained. The article shall not be published unless an approval report from the Ethical 37 Board has been submitted to the journal. 38 39 Conflict of interest: 40 If there is any conflict of interest related to the article, it must be declared by the author(s). 41 In case of any kind of direct or indirect commercial ties (employment, direct payment, having 42 stocks,company consulting, setting patent licences, service payment etc.) or if there is a 43 sponsoring institution, authors should declare that they have no relationship with the products 2 1 or medicine that are being used; or if any relationship exists, this should be explained in the 2 report page to the editör, and also be mentioned in the article in the “Conflict of interest” 3 section that takes place before references. 4 5 Contributions of authorship 6 In multi-authored articles, contributions of co-author(s) to the research ( idea generation, 7 study design, experimental applications , statistics , writing the article, etc. ) should be 8 explained under signature and 3 1 1.Abstracts in Turkish and English, not exceeding 300 words and having Introduction, 2 Method, Findings and Results sections in research articles. No such structuring is required 3 for other types. 4 2.Key words between 2-5, should be provided both in Turkish and English. Türkçe Bilimsel 5 Terimler (TBT) link at should be addressed for keywords in 6 Turkish. 7 For key words in English Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) link must be referred to at 8 9 Sub Headings 10 Research papers should be structured in the form of Introduction, Method, Results/Findings 11 , Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References and Figures, Pictures and Tables. 12 Case reports should be structured in the following way: Introduction, Case , Discussion, 13 Conclusions , References, Figures, Pictures and Tables. 14 15 Review articles, short reports and letters to the editor may contain titles and subtitles, 16 designated by author (s) and followed by References, Figures, and Tables sections. 17 It is recommended that the number of charts, pictures, tables and graphs do not exceed 5 for 18 research and review articles, and 2 for others. Charts, pictures, tables and graphs in the article 19 should be numbered according to the order processing . Abbreviations used in figures, tables 20 and graphs should be defined underneath each . Written permission must be obtained for 21 previously published figures, pictures, tables and graphs, and this permission should be stated 22 during the description of figures, pictures, tables and graphs. All charts, pictures, tables and 23 graphs must be placed at appropriate areas in the manuscript submitted. They should be also 24 provided in separate pages following References section. 25 Additionally, pictures / photos should be submitted to the system in separate jpg or .gif files ( 26 500x400 pixel size of about 8 cm. width, and scanning resolution being 300 ) . 27 28 References 29 Total number of references are recommended not to exceed 25 in research articles, 50 in 30 review articles , 10 in letters to the editor, brief reports and case reports. References should 31 be written in the order of appearance in the text , and symbols for references, should be 32 placed at the end of the sentence immediately after punctuation marks in the form of 33 superscript. 34 if the number of authors in the article is 6 or less, they should all be listed; if 7 or more, the 35 first six names should be written and " et al ", should be added in English article or “vd "for 36 Turkish. DOI is the only acceptable on-line reference in on-line publications; 37 38 Examples for References ( please note the punctuation marks ) : 4 1 1.Articles: 2 References must include respectively, last name of the author(s), first letter of their 3 first names, title of the article (only the first letter of the first word is capitalized), 4 name of the journal, (use the shorter form if it appears in Index Medicus, otherwise 5 full name), year, month (if applicable),volume, number and pages . 6 7 Gold D, Bowden R, Sixbey J, Riggs R, Katon WJ, Ashley R, et al. Chronic fatigue. A 8 prospective clinical and virologic study. JAMA 1990;264:48-53. 9 10 Özcan S, Bozhüyük A. Sağlığın geliştirilmesi ve aile hekimlerinin rolü. Turkish 11 Journal of Family Medicine &Primary Care 2013 Sep;7(3):46- 12 51.DOI:10.5455/tjfmpc.42859 13 14 Glauser TA. Integrating clinical trial data into clinical practice. Neurology 2002;58(12 15 Suppl 7):6-12. 16 17 2.Books: 18 Last name(s) of the author(s), first letters of their first names, title of the section, name(s) 19 of the editor(s), title of the book, edition number, place of publication, publisher’s name, 20 year of publication and page numbers. 21 22 Books published in a foreign language 23 Curren W. Youth and health. In: Neinstein LS, editor. Adolescent Health Care a Practical 24 Guide. 4th ed. Philedelphia:Lippincoatt Williams&Wilkins; 2002. p.1417-31. 25 Books in Turkish: 26 Akturan U, Esen A. Fenomenoloji. S ahinog lu AH, Türker B, Akturan U, editörler. Nitel 27 Araştırma Yöntemleri. 1. Baskı. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık; 2008. p.83-98. 28 29 When author and editor are the same person: Last name of the author(s)/editor(s), first 30 letter of their first names, title of the section, title of the book, edition number, place of 31 publication, publisher’s name, year of publication and the page numbers. 32 33 Helmann GC. Cultural aspect of stress and suffering. In: Culture, Health and Illness. 5th ed. 34 Florida: CRC Press Taylor &Francis Group; 2007. p.288-99. 35 36 Translated books: 37 Carr RJ. İdrar inkontinansı. Kut A, Eminsoy MG, çev.editörleri.(trans. Eds.) Current Aile 38 Hekimliği Tanı ve Tedavi. 3. baskı. Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri; 2014.p.461-71. 39 40 3.Publications in conference proceedings 41 42 Kurdak H. Bedenimiz, neredeyiz, neler yapabiliriz? Mungan NÖ, editör. Kadında periyodik 43 sağlık muayeneleri. I. Kadın Hekimlik ve Kadın Sağlığı Sempozyumu Kitabı; 10 Mayıs 44 2013; Adana, Türkiye. Adana: Ergin Yayınevi; 2013. p. 52-5. 45 46 5 1 4.Dissertations 2 Yılmaz EE. Adana il merkezindeki lise öğrencilerinin beslenme ve fiziksel aktivite 3 alışkanlıklarının değerlendirilmesi. Uzmanlık tezi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Aile 4 Hekimliği Anabilim Dalı, 2013.
Ethical issues: In cases where approval of the ethical board is needed, a document showing the approval of the board
should also be sent by e –mail. When researching on human or animal subjects, compliance with international and national
ethical guidelines, and approval of ethical boards are essential. That the research complies with the above mentioned ethical
requirements is under the responsibility of the author.
English or Turkish manuscripts from authors with new knowledge to contribute to understanding and improving health and primary care are welcome.
Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care © 2024 by Academy of Family Medicine Association is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0